Posts tagged #Project Orange Thumb

Fiskars Project Orange Thumb

Once again I am proud to be a part of Fiskars Project Orange Thumb. Now through February 1, 2016, if you live in US or Canada, you can apply for one of 30 grants that Fiskars will give out. These grants will help community groups with beautification, community collaboration and healthy, sustainable food sources. Fiskars has donated over 1.6 million dollars to more than 180 community groups since 2002 through Project Orange Thumb. 

If you want to apply click ProjectOrangeThumb and you may be one of the 30 lucky groups to receive over $3,500 in cash and Fiskars tools to help you in your project. 

Good luck and if you have any questions email me! Happy Gardening!

Posted on January 5, 2016 .